Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Cry Baby Hill Crazies

This is so cool. Tulsa has some rabid bike fans. This should happen at the Grant Park Criterium.

Cry Baby Hill Crazies (1080p) from Gizmo Pictures on Vimeo.

Monday, August 13, 2012


5 Things Your Bike Commute Teaches Your Children

I saw this post<> on the Bike To Work Blog and found it really interesting...

5 Things Your Bike Commute Teaches Your Children
by Kwin Peterson on August 10, 2012

Something I had forgotten years ago made its way to my conscious mind a few weeks ago: my father used to bike to work. He started doing this after I left home and stopped doing it before I seriously questioned my commute, and I had totally put it out of my mind, but I don't doubt that he planted a seed that put me in control of my commute.

Every choice we as parents make has a trickle-down effect on our children, and those things they see us do often or daily are more powerful than those things we only do occasionally or rarely. Your commute is a daily occurrence and gives your kids fundamental insights into what you value.

Thanks to Kwin for posting. Read on here<>.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Riding In The Shade

I read an article recently about riding on the heat and one of the comments said try riding in the shade as much as possible. It truly does work. Its cooler to ride in the shade.

Nature Grows

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

4th and Cypress

Somethings going on, the police have a couple of blocks secured.